Wheel Of Fortune o.o misfortune?

Posted: March 11, 2010 in Fortune or misfortune?

The Amulet Wheel is divided into four different categories: Jackpot, Premium, Respectable, Regular

Evony Amulet Wheel

Jackpot: The jackpot is when you win the “big reward” on the wheel. This item is located at the top row of the wheel in the dead middle. The rewards here are considered to be the “most desirable” or the “best reward”. These are extremely rare.

Evony Wheel Jackpot

Premium: The premium rewards are when you win a very good reward. Premium is at three locations on the wheel: the center of the right column, the center of the left column, and the center of the bottom row.

Evony Wheel Premium

Respectable: The respectable rewards are just that – respectable and decent, but not amazing rewards. Respectables are at four locations on the wheel: the top left corner, the top right corner, the bottom left corner, and the bottom right corner.

Evony Wheel Respectable

Regular: Regular rewards are the most simple or “worst” rewards. They are located in between the corners and the middle of the wheel. There’s a total of sixteen regular slots.

Evony Wheel Regular

pfft I never win anything good on it really 😦

An interesting fact about the Wheel:


– If there is more than one of the same reward on the wheel, you will not get that reward. For some odd reason, you only win something if there’s only one of it.

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